
Class 10 Computer Applications Chapter 6 Encapsulation
Important Questions

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Provided here are class 10 Encapsulation important questions and answers. Crafted meticulously, these questions aim to strengthen students' grasp of fundamental concepts from earlier classes. Embracing various question formats, these exercises focus on consolidating core principles, addressing uncertainties, and refining problem-solving skills. By engaging with these inquiries, students can fortify their preparation for exams, boost confidence, and polish essential proficiencies vital for excelling in the ICSE Class 10 Computer Applications Examination."


Encapsulation chapter of Class 10 Computer Applications delves into the concept of Encapsulation, a fundamental aspect of object-oriented programming. Encapsulation involves bundling data (attributes) and the methods (functions) that manipulate the data into a single unit, known as a class. This encapsulation ensures that the internal workings of an object are hidden from the outside world, allowing controlled access to data, promoting security, and facilitating efficient code management. Solving ICSE class 10 computer important questions will help students understand the concepts better.

What are Encapsulation?

Encapsulation is a fundamental principle in object-oriented programming (OOP) where the data (variables) and the methods (functions) that operate on the data are bound together within a single unit known as a class. Solving  Encapsulation important questions for class 10 ICSE  essential for a comprehensive understanding and successful examination preparation. Explore further with oswal.io  for ICSE class 10 important questions 2023-24  to strengthen your knowledge in these fundamental areas of computer.

important questions for class 10 computer icse

Class 10 Encapsulation Important Questions and Answers

Q1. What is the proper access specifier for data members of a class?


(a) Private
(b) Default
(c) Protected
(d) Public

Ans. (a) Private

All the data members should be made private to ensure the highest security of data. In special cases we can use public or protected access, but it is advised to keep the data members private always.

Q2. ___________ keword is used while creating a static method.


(a) Static
(b) Final
(c) Instance
(d) Nostat

Ans. (b) Final
A static method definition must start with the static keyword.

Q3. What is meant by private visibility of a method ?

Private methods can be used in the class in which they are defined. Outside that class they cannot be accessed.

Q4. Differentiate between private and protected visibility modifiers.

Private is the most restricted access specifier which is accessible only in its own class.Protected members are accessible by the classes of the same package or by a child class in any other package.

Q5. In the program given below, state the name and the value of the:
(i) method argument or argument variable.
(ii) class variable.
(iii) local variable.
(iv) instance variable
      class myClass.
            static int x = 7;
            int y = 2;
            public static void main(String args[])
                  myClass obj = new myClass();
                  int a = 6;
                  void sampleMethod(int n)

(i) int n; (argument variable)
(ii) x = 7; (class variable)
(iii) a = 6; (local variable)
(iv) y = 2; (instance variable)

important questions for class 10 icseimportant questions for class 10 computer icse

ICSE Class 10 Computer Applications Chapter wise Important Questions

Chapter No. Chapter Name
Chapter 1 Revision of Class IX Syllabus
Chapter 2 Class as a Basis of all Computation
Chapter 3 User - defined Methods
Chapter 4 Constructors
Chapter 5 Library classes
Chapter 6 Encapsulation
Chapter 7 Arrays
Chapter 8 String handling


The exploration of Encapsulation in Chapter 6 of Class 10 Computer Applications provides a crucial understanding of object-oriented programming. By encapsulating data and methods within a class, students acquire a robust foundation in securing data integrity, enhancing code organization, and fostering modular programming. If you are looking to further practice and enhance your understanding of the concepts discussed in the chapter, oswal.io provides a comprehensive set of class 10 Encapsulation important questions and answer for understanding the concept in a better way.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1 : What is Encapsulation in Object-Oriented Programming?

Ans:  Encapsulation is the mechanism of bundling data (attributes) and methods (functions) that manipulate the data into a single unit (class).

Q2 : How does Encapsulation Achieve Data Security?

Ans:  Encapsulation restricts access to certain components within a class, enabling data hiding and protecting it from unwanted access or modification.

Q3 : Why is Encapsulation Important in Software Development?

Ans: Encapsulation promotes code organization, modularity, and better maintainability by hiding the internal workings of an object and exposing only necessary functionalities.

Q4 : How Does Encapsulation Differ from Abstraction?

Ans: Encapsulation focuses on bundling data and methods together, while abstraction emphasizes showing only the essential features of an object and hiding its complexity.

Q5 : Can Encapsulation Enhance Security in Software Systems?

Ans: Yes, encapsulation can improve security by preventing unauthorized access to sensitive data and ensuring that data can only be manipulated through controlled methods.

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